You are inimitable, irresistible. You are the delight of my life. Such letters, such entertaining letters, as you have lately sent! such a description of your queer little heart! such a lovely display of what imagination does. You are worth your weight in gold, or even in the new silver coinage.
Jane Austen to Fanny Knight
February 20, 1816
Jane Austen was seventeen in 1793 when her niece, Fanny Catherine Knight, was born. The oldest child of Jane's brother, Edward Austen (later Knight), Jane adored Fanny and thought of her as "almost another sister ... could not have supposed that a niece would ever have been so much to me. She is quite after one's own heart...."

Dearest Fanny must now look upon her- self as his prime source of comfort, his dearest friend; as the being who is gradually to supply to him, to the extent that is possible, what he has lost. This consideration will elevate and cheer her. Adieu.
Jane Austen to Cassandra
October 15, 1808
The Great House at Chawton—Former Home of
Jane Austen's Brother, Edward Austen-Knight
Fanny had always been particularly dear to Jane and several pieces of Jane Austen's Juvenilia were dedicated to her in her infancy. The two shared a close friendship during Jane's life and several of the letters written between the two of them survive to this day. Fanny seems to have looked to her aunt for the wisdom and advice she could not ask of her mother, especially in the area of love and courtship. Some of these letters have more to say on the subject than any other surviving pieces of Austen correspondence. Is it possible Jane wrote with the wisdom of one who had loved and lost?
Soon after his wife's death, Edward inherited a house and property in Chawton and was able to offer the nearby cottage to his mother and sisters. This close proximity to the family they loved so much must have only deepend the intimacy of the two.

Edward Hugessen Knatchbull-Hugessen, 1st Baron Brabourne (1829–1893)
Reverend Reginald Bridges Knatchbull-Hugessen (b. 1831)
Herbert Thomas Knatchbull-Hugessen (b. 1835)
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