maandag 9 december 2013

Jane Odiwe Jane Austen Sequels: Introducing Liz Monahan - Illustrator!

Pride and Prejudice-illustrated by Liz Monahan
 Liz is a wonderful illustrator of Jane Austen's books/characters and she has a new kindle book out which I highly recommend! I asked Liz to tell us a little about herself-

I first read ‘Pride and Prejudice’ when I was sixteen, and was instantly smitten. I fell in love with Jane Austen’s writing, and my passion for her works endures; I never seem to tire of them. I studied English Literature at Southampton University, and wrote my final year thesis on Austen’s work, for which I received a First Class Honours degree.
Read more: janeaustensequels/introducing-liz-monahan-illustrator


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Jane Austen

Jane Austen

